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About Zentrix Data Systems

We are absolutely commited to the goals of our customers. That means we care enough to listen, understand, and work hard and creatively to adapt our services to your specifications. We'll go the extra mile, even 100 miles, to provide quality services and ensure your satisfaction.

We have witnessed first hand how many of the barriers that constrain the growth of businesses can be overcome with properly developed and applied software. Tedium costs time, and time is money. With that in mind, we develop software that automates much of what businesses do.

Indeed, databases, voice, and other communication software packages are available today. However, there is no guarantee that the software will meet the exact needs of your business. By offering customization we remove burdens of investment.

ZDS has an arsenal of tools and experience to help businesses break through these barriers and launch to a new level of productivity. We're looking for an opportunity to make a difference in your office.

Give ZDS a try. We think you'll be glad you did